Who’s who at Emmanuel

Vicar – The Revd Dr Catriona Laing

Revd Dr Catriona Laing, was installed as the Vicar of Emmanuel in September 2023.

Please contact Reverend Trin at [email protected]


Mother Melissa Dickinson

Mother Melissa was ordained as a deacon in June 2024 by Bishop Sarah at St Paul’s Cathedral. Having just spent three years in Cambridge at theological college, she is very happy to be back in London, where she grew up, lived and worked (in Communications) before training for ordination. Mother Melissa is married to Andrew and they enjoy cooking, hiking, and inexpertly knocking balls round a tennis court together!

Safeguarding Officer – Jess Conroy

Jess Conroy  is Emmanuel’s Safeguarding Officer.

Her role is to ensure that we are compliant and up to date with all aspects of safeguarding in the parish.

Her work includes the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults, keeping the PCC and wider congregation up to date with changes in Safeguarding legislation, that all safeguarding training is undertaken and that best practice is observed in ensuring that all are safe in the church family here..

For all matters of Safeguarding at Emmanuel, please do not hesitate to speak to Jess. You can also email Jess at [email protected]

For the parish Safeguarding policy and procedures please go to our dedicated safeguarding page by clicking here.

Churchwardens – Carrie Reiners and Lydia Parker

The Churchwardens at Emmanuel are  Carrie Reiners (pictured above) and Lydia Parker (pictured below) elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, not only to be the people’s representatives, but also to serve in a lay capacity as Bishop’s Officers.

They have a particular brief for the fabric and buildings of the Church, but also share in the pastoral care of all the parishioners, as well as keeping the clergy under control! They co-ordinate the ministry of welcome and hospitality on the main door of the Church and are always available to answer any queries or to give further information about the diversity and breadth of life at Emmanuel.

Treasurer – Mark Hyoms

Mark Hyoms is Emmanuel’s Treasurer (no picture yet).

He has responsibility for all the financial matters of Emmanuel including preparing the accounts for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Mark also ensures that the annual Charity Commission returns are submitted on line each year by the due date and that we are compliant with all charity legislation and requirements. Mark would be happy to talk to you about any matter of Emmanuel’s finance.

Standing Committee – Antony

Antony (pictured) is a member of Emmanuel’s Standing Committee alongside the clergy, the Churchwardens, and the Treasurer. Antony is happy to talk about anything and can help you with any questions you have about the Church.



Operations Manager – Emma Clark

Emma Clark is Emmanuel’s Operations Manager and keeps our Church and community running smoothly.

Please contact Emma for all matters to do with hiring the rooms in the Community Space at the west end of the Church or indeed the whole Church building and for general parish matters.

She can be contacted via the main Church number on 07751 534 297 or by email [email protected]

PCC Secretary – Vacant

Currently we do not have a permanent PCC Secretary. The responsibilities are being fulfilled ad-hoc by other members of the PCC. Hopefully a full time PCC Secretary will be appointed soon!

This is made up of the ex-officio members – the licensed clergy of the parish, the churchwardens and five members of the North Camden Deanery Synod and up to twelve elected members of Emmanuel Church.

Electoral Roll Officer – Diana Malzer

Diana Malzer is Emmanuel’s Electoral Roll Officer.

The Electoral Roll is the formal membership list of all members of Emmanuel Church who are sixteen years of age and over.

The Electoral Roll is fully revised every six years, but each year it is updated in time for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting in April, with new members being added and those who have moved away or deceased removed.

To serve as Churchwarden or on the Parochial Church Council (PCC) a member has to be on the electoral roll of a parish, which also gives members voting rights at the Annual Meeting.

Emmanuel’s Electoral Roll currently stands at 271.   If you are not yet on our electoral roll, Diana would love to hear from you.

Children’s Church Coordinator – Claire Hammett

Claire Hammett

Claire Hammett is our Children’s Church Co-ordinator.

She co-ordinates the team of volunteer leaders and helpers of our growing work with children in the parish on Sunday mornings.

She also co-ordinates our periodic “Messy Church” which takes place on several occasions throughout the year, such as on Shrove Tuesday, Easter, during the summer or at All Saints-tide.

In a Church with such a large number of children among the congregation, this work is central to our ministry since children are not just the church of tomorrow, but fully part of the church of today.

We are always in search of new volunteers in this crucial work.

If you would like to help in this area please speak to Claire or Fr Jonathan after the Sunday morning Eucharist or contact us via the “Contact us” section of this website.

Children’s Champion – Casey Hammett

Casey Hammett

Casey Hammett is our Children’s Champion.

The role of the Children’s Champion is to ensure that the voice of children and young people are heard within the parish and that their perspectives and wishes are reflected as full and valued members of the congregation. Children are encouraged to talk to the Children’s Champion about any matters of concern to them in the life of the Church.

The Children’s Champion works actively with the Safeguarding Officer and the parish clergy to inform and report of concerns and to see that they are appropriately discussed, seeking support and advice where necessary.

At Emmanuel children are very much the church of the present as well as being our bright hope for the future and equal stakeholders in determining the life, ministry and outreach of our parish.

Emmanuel Trustees

 NameRoleDate of AppointmentRole
Rev Catriona LaingChair7 September 2023Clergy
Sofia RadaelliTrustee23 May 2023
Isabel Clare Hood CollinsTrustee23 April 2023
Lydia ParkerTrustee23 April 2023Warden
Tijana UrosevicTrustee23 May 2022
Caroline Namujji-NicodemoTrustee23 May 2022
Rev Helen Sims-WilliamsTrustee3 July 2021Clergy
Rev Annette Fritze-ShanksTrustee16 May 2021Clergy
Sarah WattsTrustee16 May 2021
Antony EdwardsTrustee16 May 2021Standing Committee
Claire HammettTrustee16 May 2021
Clare FullerTrustee9 May 2021
Mark HyomsTrustee26 November 2020Treasurer
Nishi ShirleyTrustee
Carrie Ann ReinersTrusteeWarden
Casey Eileen Marie HammettTrustee
Diana Mathleen MalzerTrustee