EVERYONE is welcome at Emmanuel and all our services and activities are open to all. Formal membership of Emmanuel is determined by becoming a member of our Electoral Roll, which is the formal list of all those sixteen years of age and above who are members of Emmanuel Church. A large and healthy electoral roll is a sign of a large and healthy congregation.
The electoral roll of Emmanuel is formally revised each in the period immediately prior to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) in April each year and every six years the roll is completely revised from scratch.
You can, however, join the electoral roll at any time during the year. Our Electoral Roll Officer is Diana Malzer and she would be only too pleased to discuss this with you further (please email [email protected] ).
If you are worshipping with us regularly at Emmanuel, we’d love to have you on our Electoral Roll.
Hard copies of the form are available on the welcome table at the back of the church.
Links to electronic copies of the forms may be found below: