Marriage at Emmanuel
Emmanuel Church is a lovely venue for the celebration of your marriage.
We understand marriage to be a sacrament – that is to say a special means by which God’s amazing and self-giving love is radiated into the world through the love that a couple have for one another and the covenantal promises that they make as they minister to each other at the heart of this great and wonderful sacrament.
Your can get married at Emmanuel Church if you are member of Emmanuel Church congregation of you can show that one of you meets one of the following criteria:
- Lives in the parish
- Has at any time lived in the parish for at least 6 months
- Was baptised in the parish
- Was prepared for confirmation in the parish
- Has at any time regularly gone to normal church services in the parish for a period of at least 6 month
- One of your parents, at any time after you were born has lived in the parish for a period of at least 6 months
- One of your parents or grandparents was married in the parish.
Any of the Emmanuel clergy are very happy to discuss the possibilities for your marriage at Emmanuel or any other celebration of life and love. Further details about marriage in the Church of England may be found on the wider Church of England website by clicking here.
Banns of Marriage
For couples who live in Emmanuel parish but who are getting married elsewhere Banns of Marriage will need to be called in Emmanuel Church. For your Banns to be called at Emmanuel please contact Mother Annette and complete the form below:
Click here for our Banns of marriage application form – word format