Children’s Workshops

Children’s Workshops at Emmanuel

On a number of occasions throughout the year – such as Shrove Tuesday, Good Friday, Easter, during the summer and All Saints – we host Children’s Workshops at Emmanuel.  Recently, these workshops have been expanded to include a hugely popular All Hallows’ Eve workshop and a St Nicholas’ Day workshop at which a child bishop is appointed and enthroned for the year.

At these workshops, children are invited to participate in art, craft and other fun activities which we hope will excite and engage them and where there can grow and deepen in their own faith and discipleship. Details of when these workshops are taking place are given on the Upcoming Events section of our website, weekly news sheet, and in the electronic mailings which go out each month.

If you are not yet on our monthly mailing list, please be in touch with us through the “contact us” section on this website and we’ll only be too happy to add you.