8:00 Holy Eucharist – a quiet, said Eucharist to begin the Lord’s Day
9:15 Joyful Noise Eucharist* – a service with with young children in mind.
10:30 Sung Eucharist – our more traditional celebration of the Eucharist with reflective preaching, choral music and incense. During term time our Sunday School operates in the Charles Wood Room.
*NOTE: there is no longer any need to sign up for the 9:15 Joyful Noise on Eventbrite. If you would like your attendance recorded to apply for a Foundation Place at a CofE Primary School, you will be able to sign in with one of our welcomers at the beginning of the service. Please do try to arrive early to be able to do this.
Morning and Evening Prayer
The Daily Office of the Church is said publicly from Monday to Thursday with Morning Prayer at 9:00 and privately at other times.
14:30 School Eucharist (either in school or church)
18:30 Evening Eucharist
12:30 Holy Eucharist (said)
To join in praying the same psalms, canticles and readings that the clergy and people of the wider Church of England are using, please click HERE.